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- ! HUCOM-EX336 / HUCOM-EX / HUCOM Simple 288 / HUCOM V34ESII
- ! HUCOM-V34ESCardSJ CCL File Original Version.
- ! for ARA2.0J & 2.1J and OT-PPP
- !
- ! Created by kan Kobayashi , HUCOM Inc. in Nov.1996.
- !
- ! 'mlts' resource info for this modem:
- ! byte 1 == 01 -> modem HAS builtin reliability protocols
- ! byte 2 == 01 -> reserved by Apple
- ! byte 3 == 36 -> max hex chars in varstr 7 (54 dec)
- ! byte 4 == 36 -> max hex chars in varstr 8
- ! byte 5 == 36 -> max hex chars in varstr 9
- !
- !
- ! ---- Initial modem setup ----
- !
- ! Set serial port speed depending upon the compression flag
- ! A higher rate with compression on to handle expanded data from the modem
- ! A lower rate closer to the DCE when compression is off
- !
- ifstr 5 1 "0"
- serreset 115200, 0, 8, 1
- hsreset 0 0 0 0 0 0
- settries 0
- jump 2
- !
- @LABEL 1
- serreset 57600, 0, 8, 1
- hsreset 0 0 0 0 0 0
- settries 0
- !
- @LABEL 2
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 3 "OK¥13¥10"
- ! &F - recall factory settings
- ! &D2 - DisConnect Modem on On-to-Off DTR transitions
- ! W2S95=40 - Connect result code reports modem speed and protocol and compression
- ! S0=0 - Don't answer calls
- ! E0 - Turn command echo off
- !write "AT&F¥¥N0&D2W2S95=40S0=0S210=5E0¥13"
- write "AT&F¥¥N0&D2W2S95=40S0=0E0¥13"
- matchread 30
- inctries
- iftries 2 71
- !
- ! Reset the Modem
- !
- DTRSet
- pause 5
- DTRClear
- pause 5
- DTRSet
- flush
- jump 2
- !
- @LABEL 3
- ! Modem responding & configured.
- ! determine if reliable link is requested.
- !
- ! if modem mnp link requested (var 4 == 2) then jump label 4
- ifstr 4 4 "2"
- !
- ! if modem v42 link requested (for PPP) (var 4 == 1) then jump label 5
- ifstr 4 5 "1"
- !
- ! if no modem v42 link requested (var 4 == 0) [same as ARA 1.0] then jump label 9
- ifstr 4 9 "0"
- !
- ! else invalid value in var 4; exit w/error
- jump 76
- !
- @LABEL 4
- ! yes, MNP link is requested. OK for MNP4 -> normal mode
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 7 "OK¥13¥10"
- write "AT¥¥N3%C0S48=128¥13"
- matchread 30
- jump 71
- !
- @LABEL 5
- ! yes, v42 link is requested.
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 7 "OK¥13¥10"
- write "AT¥¥N3%C0¥13"
- matchread 30
- jump 71
- !
- @LABEL 7
- ! if we DID want v42b in the modem, this is where it would go,
- ! but since the cpu does a better job at compressing compressable
- ! files, this setup stuff is commented out. the matchstrings and
- ! associated labels have been left in.
- !
- ifstr 5 9 "0"
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 9 "OK¥13¥10"
- write "AT%C3¥13"
- matchread 30
- jump 71
- !
- !
- @LABEL 9
- ! If speaker on flag is true, jump to label 13. Else turn off the speaker.
- ifstr 2 13 "1"
- pause 5
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 13 "OK¥13¥10"
- write "ATM0L0¥13"
- matchread 30
- jump 71
- !
- ! modem ready, so enable answering or originate a call - label range is 11-30
- !
- @LABEL 13
- pause 5
- ifANSWER 62
- !
- ! if normal dialing (parm 6 == 0) jump to 19
- ifstr 6 19 "0"
- !
- ! if blind dialing (parm 6 == 1) jump to 17
- ifstr 6 17 "1"
- !
- ! if manual dialing (parm 6 == 2) jump to 15
- ifstr 6 15 "2"
- !
- ! else invalid value in var 6; exit w/error
- jump 76
- !
- @LABEL 15
- ! Display ASK dialog with message. Goto label 107 if dialog canceled.
- ASK 2 "手動でダイヤルしたら、[OK]をクリックしてください。" 79
- !ASK 2 "Pick up the phone & dial ^1. Hit OK when the phone rings, then hangup." 79
- note "ダイアル中。" 3
- !note "Manual dialing initiated" 3
- ! X1 to ignore dialtone & busy, D to dial, ¥^ generates data tone
- write "ATX1D¥^¥13"
- jump 32
- !
- @label 17
- note "ダイアルトーンを無視してダイアル中。" 3
- !note "Dialing without tone" 3
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 19 "OK¥13¥10"
- ! X1 to ignore dialtone & busy for blind dialing
- write "ATX3¥13"
- matchread 30
- jump 71
- !
- @label 19
- ! this is where we break up long dialstrings
- !
- ! parm 1 is always the full dialstring from the conn doc
- note "^1 をダイアル中。" 3
- !note "Dialing ^1" 3
- ! parm 3 is always "p" for pulse & "t" for tone
- !
- ! if parm 8 == blank (complete dialstring in parm 7)
- ! then jump to label 27 & dial parm 7
- ifstr 8 27 " "
- !
- ! if parm 9 == blank (complete dialstring in parms 7 & 8)
- ! then jump to label 24 & dial parm 7 & 8
- ifstr 9 24 " "
- !
- ! else dial parm 7 & 8 & 9 (complete dialstring in parms 7, 8 & 9)
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 21 "OK¥13¥10"
- ! parm 7 holds first string fragment
- write "ATD^3^7;¥13"
- matchread 400
- ! modem not responding; bailout.
- jump 71
- @label 21
- ! parm 8 holds second string fragment
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 22 "OK¥13¥10"
- write "ATD^3^8;¥13"
- matchread 400
- ! modem not responding; bailout.
- jump 71
- @label 22
- ! parm 9 holds last string fragment
- write "ATD^3^9¥13"
- jump 32
- !
- @label 24
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 25 "OK¥13¥10"
- ! parm 7 holds first string fragment
- write "ATD^3^7;¥13"
- matchread 400
- ! modem not responding; bailout.
- jump 71
- @label 25
- ! parm 8 holds last string fragment
- write "ATD^3^8¥13"
- jump 32
- !
- @label 27
- ! parm 7 holds entire string
- write "ATD^3^7¥13"
- jump 32
- !
- ! connecting - label range is 31-60
- !
- @LABEL 32
- matchclr
- !
- matchstr 1 34 "CONNECT 1200¥13¥10"
- matchstr 2 35 "CONNECT 2400¥13¥10"
- matchstr 3 36 "CONNECT 4800¥13¥10"
- matchstr 4 37 "CONNECT 7200¥13¥10"
- matchstr 5 38 "CONNECT 9600¥13¥10"
- matchstr 6 39 "CONNECT 12000¥13¥10"
- matchstr 7 40 "CONNECT 14400¥13¥10"
- matchstr 8 41 "CONNECT 16800¥13¥10"
- matchstr 9 42 "CONNECT 19200¥13¥10"
- matchstr 10 43 "CONNECT 21600¥13¥10"
- matchstr 11 44 "CONNECT 24000¥13¥10"
- matchstr 12 45 "CONNECT 26400¥13¥10"
- matchstr 13 46 "CONNECT 28800¥13¥10"
- matchstr 14 47 "CONNECT 31200¥13¥10"
- matchstr 15 48 "CONNECT 33600¥13¥10"
- !
- matchstr 16 68 "RING¥13¥10"
- matchstr 17 72 "NO DIALTONE¥13¥10"
- matchstr 18 73 "NO CARRIER¥13¥10"
- matchstr 19 73 "ERROR¥13¥10"
- matchstr 20 74 "BUSY¥13¥10"
- matchstr 21 75 "NO ANSWER¥13¥10"
- matchstr 22 77 "DELAYED"
- matchstr 23 78 "BLACKLISTED"
- !
- matchstr 24 54 "PROTOCOL: NONE¥13¥10"
- matchstr 25 55 "PROTOCOL: ALT¥13¥10"
- matchstr 26 56 "PROTOCOL: LAP-M¥13¥10"
- matchstr 27 57 "PROTOCOL: ALT - CELLULAR¥13¥10"
- !
- matchstr 28 51 "COMPRESSION: NONE¥13¥10"
- matchstr 29 52 "COMPRESSION: V.42BIS¥13¥10"
- matchstr 30 53 "COMPRESSION: CLASS 5¥13¥10"
- !
- matchstr 31 91 "CONNECT 1200TX/75RX¥13¥10"
- !
- matchread 700
- ifANSWER 32
- jump 71
- !
- !
- @LABEL 34
- note "1200 bps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 1200 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 1200
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 35
- note "2400 bps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 2400 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 2400
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 36
- note "4800 bps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 4800 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 4800
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 37
- note "7200 bps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 7200 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 7200
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 38
- note "9600 bps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 9600 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 9600
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 39
- note "12 kbps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 12000 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 12000
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 40
- note "14.4 kbps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 14400 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 14400
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 41
- note "16.8 kbps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 16800 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 16800
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 42
- note "19.2 kbps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 19200 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 19200
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 43
- note "21.6 kbps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 21600 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 21600
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 44
- note "24 kbps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 24000 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 24000
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 45
- note "26.4 kbps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 26400 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 26400
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 46
- note "28.8 kbps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 28800 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 28800
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 47
- note "31.2 kbps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 31200 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 31200
- jump 58
- !
- @LABEL 48
- note "33.6 kbps で接続中" 2
- !note "Communicating at 33600 bps." 2
- CommunicatingAt 33600
- jump 58
- !
- ! V42bis Link Connections.
- ! userhook 3 tells ARA that a modem to modem compression protocol has been negotiated
- !
- @LABEL 51
- ! No Compression.
- jump 32
- !
- @LABEL 52
- ! V42bis Compression.
- userhook 3
- jump 32
- !
- @LABEL 53
- ! MNP5 Compression.
- userhook 3
- jump 32
- !
- !
- ! V.42 link connections.
- ! Tell ARA with USERHOOK 2 that a reliable modem link has been established.
- !
- @LABEL 54
- jump 32
- !
- @LABEL 55
- note "MNP リンクが成立。" 2
- !note "MNP reliable link established." 2
- userhook 2
- jump 32
- !
- @LABEL 56
- note "LAP-M リンクが成立。" 2
- !note "LAP-M reliable link established." 2
- userhook 2
- jump 32
- !
- @LABEL 57
- note "MNP 10 リンクが成立。" 2
- !note "MNP10 reliable link established." 2
- userhook 4
- jump 32
- !
- @LABEL 58
- ! set the serial port handshake options for CTS
- HSReset 0 1 0 0 0 0
- !
- ! Connection established. In ORIGINATE mode pause before exit.
- !
- ifANSWER 59
- pause 30
- @LABEL 59
- exit 0
- !
- ! Set the modem to answer on 1st ring - label range is 61-70
- !
- @LABEL 62
- ifstr 4 63 "1"
- ! for ARA
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 32 "OK¥13¥10"
- write "AT¥¥N3S48=128S0=2¥13"
- matchread 30
- jump 71
- !
- !
- @LABEL 63
- ! for OT-PPP (V.42)
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 32 "OK¥13¥10"
- write "ATS0=2¥13"
- matchread 30
- jump 71
- !
- !
- @LABEL 68
- ! claim the serial port
- userhook 1
- note "電話に応対しています。" 2
- !note "Answering phone..." 2
- jump 32
- !
- !
- ! error messages - label range is 71-90
- !
- ! Modem Not Responding
- @LABEL 71
- exit -6019
- !
- ! No Dial Tone
- @LABEL 72
- exit -6020
- !
- ! No Carrier or Error
- @LABEL 73
- exit -6021
- !
- ! Busy
- @LABEL 74
- exit -6022
- !
- ! No Answer
- @LABEL 75
- exit -6023
- !
- ! Invalid Varstring Value
- @LABEL 76
- exit -6027
- !
- @LABEL 77
- exit -6022
- !
- @LABEL 78
- exit -6022
- !
- ! User Cancellation
- @LABEL 79
- exit -6008
- !
- ! On Hook Modem
- @LABEL 91
- note "先方が電話を切りました。" 2
- !note "Disconnecting phone..." 2
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 92 "OK¥13¥10"
- pause 10
- write "+++"
- matchread 15
- !
- @LABEL 92
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 73 "NO CARRIER¥13¥10"
- matchstr 2 73 "OK¥13¥10"
- matchstr 3 73 "ERROR¥13¥10"
- pause 3
- write "ATH¥13"
- matchread 30
- jump 91
- !
- !
- ! Hang up the modem - label range is 101-120
- !
- @LABEL 102
- settries 0
- HSReset 0 0 0 0 0 0
- !
- @LABEL 105
- !
- ! Try to get control of the modem.
- !
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 108 "OK¥13¥10"
- pause 10
- write "+++"
- matchread 15
- !
- @LABEL 108
- !-------------------
- ! secondly try ATH
- !-------------------
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 111 "NO CARRIER¥13¥10"
- matchstr 2 111 "OK¥13¥10"
- matchstr 3 111 "ERROR¥13¥10"
- pause 3
- write "ATH¥13"
- matchread 30
- inctries
- iftries 3 71
- !---------------------------------------
- ! finaly try On-to-Off DTR transitions
- !---------------------------------------
- DTRSet
- pause 5
- DTRClear
- pause 5
- DTRSet
- flush
- jump 105
- !
- ! recall the factory settings.
- !
- @LABEL 111
- pause 15
- matchclr
- matchstr 1 114 "OK¥13¥10"
- write "AT&F&D2S0=0¥13"
- matchread 30
- jump 71
- !
- @LABEL 114
- exit 0
- !
- ! labels 121-128 are reserved for future emergency hacks
- !